Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Security TIPS for Facebook Users:

Security TIPS for Facebook Users:
1. Always use a small resolution Picture as Profile
2. Goto Privacy Settings.. ->Connecting on
Facebook-> Check all options for Friends Only and
3. Sharing on Facebook-> All set as Friends Only
even Albums/Videos should be friends only. For
Contact information -> lock Email and Mobile
Phone-Only ME. Never show your email and mobile
on Facebook.
4. for Mobile protection to save your profile from
hacking www.facebook.com/mobileprotection give
a permanent No of your father or mother dont give
a prepaid temp. no. which keeps on changing.
5.Privacy Setting-> Application/Games/Websites->
Public Search->Remove Tick from Enable
Instant Personalisation-> Remove tick from enable
Games/Activity-> Only Me
Remove Suscipious Applications from Application
6. Account Settings->Account Security-> Tick on
Always use https, Send Login Notification/
approvals on Cell/Email Enable it.
7. Dont Click on suspicious links with Tiny URLs
like http://ow.in/ etc... all are fake and fraud
8. Dont click on any link of email to access
9. Always type https://www.facebook.com/ to
10. Dont Use third party apps for chatting on
facebook on mobile.

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