Sunday, January 4, 2015

Man allegedly involved in PlayStation Network
hacking arrested.
Thursday 01 January 2015A man allegedly involved
in the hacking of the Sony PlayStation Network has
been arrested.Thames Valley Police yesterday
released a statement saying that the South East
Regional Organised Crime Unit (Serocu) had
arrested a 22-year-old man on 30 December in
connection with fraud and Computer Misuse Act
offences.The statement said: “The arrest… is in
connection with an ongoing investigation in to
cyber fraud offences which took place between
2013 and August 2014 during which victims
reported funds being stolen from their PayPal
accounts.” It added that the man has been
released on bail until 10 March.The 22-year-old
man, who is alleged to have links to hacker group
Lizard Squad, reportedly told the Daily Dot that
Serocu had raided his home prior to his arrest. In
an email to the publication he wrote: "They took
everything. Xbox one, phones, laptops, computer
USBs, etc."The PlayStation Network was down for
three days, including Christmas Day, after it was
targeted by Lizard Squad. Xbox Live was also
taken down the hacker collective, which said it had
done so to demonstrate weak internet security. The
attack stopped soon after - an apparent result of
Kim Dotcom having offered the group hundreds of
thousands of dollars of vouchers for his Mega file-
hosting service to bring it to an end.

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