Monday, January 12, 2015


Before beginning , you should know , what is
Prorat ?
ProRat is a Remote administration tool(RAT).
Prorat opens a port on infected computer which
allows the client to perform various operations on
the infected computer. Once Prorat is installed on a
computer its almost impossible to remove it
without an updated Antivirus program .Below we
will show the procedure which a
hacker will take to take control of victims computer
using Prorat.
Now lets begin......
1. First of all download Prorat. The password of
zip file will be “Pro”.
Note:Disable your Antivirus before using Prorat
2. Once you have downloaded it launch the
3. Click on the Create button at bottom to create
the Trojan file and choose the
Create prorat server.
4. Put your IP address in the IP(DNS) Address box
so the server could connect you.
If you don’t know you IP address click the red
arrow and It will fill you IP address
5. Now open Notifications at the sidebar and select
the second option “Mail
Notifications”.Here you will an email address
“” change
this to the email address where you want to
receive notifications when the server is
installed into your victims computer.
6. Now Click on the General Setting option. Enter
the server port you would like to
connect through. Enter the server password, you
will be asked for server password
when the victim gets infected and you would like to
connect to them and then choose
the victim name. You can also tick the “Give a fake
error” message option when the
victim will open the server he will get a fake error
message which you configure
making victim think that the file is damaged or
7. Click on Bind with file on the sidebar. You can
bind it with a text document or
any other file you may increase chances of victim
to click it.
8. Now Click on Server extensions option. Here you
can change the desired
extension. We will use EXE because it has Icon
support or you can also use SCR too it
also has icon support.
9. Now Click on server Icon and choose the desired
icon you would like to display
for the server and click on Create server.
10. Now you have successfully created a server.
The hacker could rename it some thing like “Funny
joke” and sent it via email
attachment or alternatively the hacker could upload
it to a webhosting site and just
ask the victim to manually download it. Once the
victims runs the server on his/her
computer he will get an error message which we
configured in the general settings tab.
The server gets installed silently in the computer
background and the hacker will
sent a notification to the email address he
described in the notification tab when ever
the victim is infected.
Now the hacker has full control over victims
computer he can do a lot of things he
could shutdown your PC, install a keylogger, take
screen shots. Enjoy.....

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