Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hack whatsapp

finally here's the tutorial on how to hack a whatsapp account!!!
So the things you'll need are
1) A PC/Laptop (running windows)
2) victims android phone (just for 2 minutes )
3) your android phone (must be rooted)
4) At last a working brain
step 1) first of all just grab the victim's phone and head over to it's file manager and open this path sdcard>whatsapp>Database.
once you're there now just send the msgstore.db.crypt7 file to your phone via bluetooth and then return the phone to the victim
step 2) Now just open playstore on your phone and donwload and install an App called whatsapp tri-crypt.
Step 3) Now just copy the msgstore.db.crypt7 file that you've taken from the victim's phone and paste it to this path on your phone sdcard>whatsapp>Databases.
step 4 ) after pasting it just launch the app that we've downloaded and tap on 'Eanble Crypt 6/7' and then tap on the first option.
step 5 ) after the step is complete just got to the folder sdcard>whatsapp>Databases and then just copy the "msgstore.db"
make sure that at then end it was .db. paste this file to your pc.
step 6 ) now just open up your favorite webBrowser and open this link >> http:// andreas-mausch.g whatsapp-viewer/
click on download and download the software.
step 7) no just unzip the file and open the whatsapp viewer and then click on file>open and then locate and open your msgstore.db file and booooooooom you are don now you can see all the conversation of the vicim>

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